So, as the world turns, so does the days of my life. Prolly yours too, but I didn't want to completely steal that from whoever. I don't know if my journey has finally ended, or if it's really just beginning to be quite honest. How I went from working my ass off in Corporate America, to selling my ass, well... I will die with the full story, because honestly if I were to actually take the time to write what the fuck I have gone through to get to today, all I will be doing is bringing up shit that I can't change, reliving some extremely traumatic events I have already worked through, and probably saying something that is better left unsaid, for the greater good of humanity. All I can do is continue to chose happiness, and learn some valuable lessons from my past experiences, but leave them back in the past where they belong. I am responsible for myself, my life, my actions and my outcomes. I made poor choices, and I let people in who didn't deserve to be. Lots of room now, if earned.